The current Openpath Jira and Confluence instances will be migrated to the MSI On-Premise solution from August 9th-11th, the current platform will be set to read-only and all future usage will be in the Avigilon Instance. Please ensure access to MSI Jira & MSI Confluence, both are accessible through OKTA. For additional information and details please refer to the Atlassian migration page
What do the LEDs on ACUs/SDCs mean?
Controller Board, Core, and Expansion Board LEDs
POWER LEDs indicate that the board is connected to the power.
RELAY LEDs indicate when the relays are activated.
STATUS LEDs indicate that the ACU has been configured with firmware. It will flash green when Identify is pressed in Alta Access.
On the 4-Port and 8-Port Boards, the STATUS LED is solid green when it is connected and communicating with the Core, and solid red when there is a connection error.
If the STATUS LED is solid red, try the following:
Power cycle 4-Port/8-Port.
Unplug and replug the USB cable.
Restart the Hardware Communicator on Alta Access.
READER POWER LEDs indicate that the ACU has output power enabled per reader.
The STATUS LED on the Core Board has several states, see Core and SDC Status LED.
BOARD ID LEDs match the Expansion Board Number in Alta Access.
Core and SDC Status LED
Note: Making changes to an entry state in Alta Access can cause the status LED on the controller to blink red for a few seconds while it updates.
The STATUS LED on the Access Control Core and Single Door Controller (SDC) indicates the following:
Solid White indicates the SDC is provisioned and functioning normally.
Solid Green indicates the Core is provisioned and functioning normally.
Blinking Red indicates there is a problem with the Internet connection.
Solid Cyan appears when the SDC/Core is booting.
Solid Yellow indicates that the SDC/Core is restoring software; appears when you turn on the SDC/Core for the first time.
Blinking Yellow indicates that the SDC/Core is updating software; appears when the SDC/Core has been online for less than 24 hours.
Solid Blue indicates that the SDC/Core has finished booting and is ready for provisioning.
Solid Purple indicates that the SDC/Core is connected to the Open Admin app.
Blinking Purple indicates the SDC/Core is ready to connect to the Open Admin app.
Solid Red indicates the SDC/Core is in an error state - Go to the Hardware Dashboard in Alta Access for more information.
The Avigilon SDC has eight Port LEDs and two power LEDs. The Port LEDs indicate the following:
Avigilon Readers or Wiegand Readers.
Solid: Normal operation.
Blinking: Error state.
Sensors (including REX and Contact Sensors).
Solid: Active.
Blinking: EOL shorted or cut.
Locking hardware (relays).
Solid: The relay is energized.
Blinking: Fault detection.