The current Openpath Jira and Confluence instances will be migrated to the MSI On-Premise solution from August 9th-11th, the current platform will be set to read-only and all future usage will be in the Avigilon Instance. Please ensure access to MSI Jira & MSI Confluence, both are accessible through OKTA. For additional information and details please refer to the Atlassian migration page

What do the LEDs on ACUs/SDCs mean?

Controller Board, Core, and Expansion Board LEDs

  • POWER LEDs indicate that the board is connected to the power.

  • RELAY LEDs indicate when the relays are activated.

  • STATUS LEDs indicate that the ACU has been configured with firmware. It will flash green when Identify is pressed in Alta Access.

    • On the 4-Port and 8-Port Boards, the STATUS LED is solid green when it is connected and communicating with the Core, and solid red when there is a connection error.

    • If the STATUS LED is solid red, try the following:

      • Power cycle 4-Port/8-Port.

      • Unplug and replug the USB cable.

      • Restart the Hardware Communicator on Alta Access.

  • READER POWER LEDs indicate that the ACU has output power enabled per reader.

  • The STATUS LED on the Core Board has several states, see Core and SDC Status LED.

  • BOARD ID LEDs match the Expansion Board Number in Alta Access.

Core and SDC Status LED

Note: Making changes to an entry state in Alta Access can cause the status LED on the controller to blink red for a few seconds while it updates.

The STATUS LED on the Access Control Core and Single Door Controller (SDC) indicates the following:

  • Solid White indicates the SDC is provisioned and functioning normally.

  • Solid Green indicates the Core is provisioned and functioning normally.

  • Blinking Red indicates there is a problem with the Internet connection.

  • Solid Cyan appears when the SDC/Core is booting.

  • Solid Yellow indicates that the SDC/Core is restoring software; appears when you turn on the SDC/Core for the first time.

  • Blinking Yellow indicates that the SDC/Core is updating software; appears when the SDC/Core has been online for less than 24 hours.

  • Solid Blue indicates that the SDC/Core has finished booting and is ready for provisioning.

  • Solid Purple indicates that the SDC/Core is connected to the Open Admin app.

  • Blinking Purple indicates the SDC/Core is ready to connect to the Open Admin app.

  • Solid Red indicates the SDC/Core is in an error state - Go to the Hardware Dashboard in Alta Access for more information.


The Avigilon SDC has eight Port LEDs and two power LEDs. The Port LEDs indicate the following:

  • Avigilon Readers or Wiegand Readers.

    • Solid: Normal operation.

    • Blinking: Error state.

  • Sensors (including REX and Contact Sensors).

    • Solid: Active.

    • Blinking: EOL shorted or cut.

  • Locking hardware (relays).

    • Solid: The relay is energized.

    • Blinking: Fault detection.