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Common issues and troubleshooting for Allegion Wireless Locks & Hardware

Mobile unlock is not working

Card unlock is not working

No response from the reader

Cannot see the badge ID of the fob/card in the Avigilon Alta system

Cannot see the third-party tab under readers in the Avigilon Alta system

Removing the lock from the gateway doesn't update in Alta Access

Not enough licenses for non-Avigilon Alta-sourced locks

Gateway synced in Alta Access but the locks don't show up in Alta Access

Gateway is offline

Directions for turning on Allegion for legacy subscription accounts

No-Tour Limit Issue

How to upgrade/downgrade Allegion Lock and Gateway firmware

Where to find the approved firmware versions

Note: We recommend trying the steps in the sequence they are listed



Mobile unlock is not working

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Check that the mobile app is on the latest version

  2. Check error codes received from the mobile app

  3. Verify the number of users with access to the lock, ensuring it does not exceed the maximum user capacity supported by the Allegion lock. (Refer to the Allegion specification sheets to confirm the maximum capacity for your lock model.)

  4. Check the BLE reader "Communication Range" (should be long) and "Performance" (should be max). This is changed/set in the Allegion ENGAGE app

  5. Check if valid card reads work

  6. Run "Identify" on the Wireless Lock Devices page in Alta Access (If it is a gateway-connected device)

  7. Run activity report with entry filter to see if lock/gateway has reported errors (Example: “Offline”)

  8. Check for "Doorfile Updated Successfully" message in the activity logs report (If it is a gateway-connected device) to ensure that the lock has successfully processed the last access update

  9. Use the Send feedback on the Avigilon Alta Open mobile app

Needed information for support

  • Gateway connected or offline

  • Is this a No-Tour device

  • Intermittent unlocks or can never unlock

  • Lock and gateway serial numbers

  • Entry ID, user ID, and timestamps

  • Mobile app version

  • Any feedback


Card unlock is not working

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Check user access through the User Access Audit report in Alta Access Reports

  2. Verify the number of users with access to the lock, ensuring it does not exceed the maximum user capacity supported by the Allegion lock. (Refer to the Allegion specification sheets to confirm the maximum capacity for your lock model.)

  3. If the card is no-tour, verify that if the Schlage fob is being used it was purchased from Avigilon Alta
    (Schlage cards/fobs not purchased from Avigilon are not supported)

  4. Power cycle the gateway

  5. Power cycle lock

  6. Remove/reattach network cable for gateway

  7. Test network cable for the gateway on a laptop to ensure internet connectivity

  8. Try another cable

  9. Try another port

  10. Run "Identify" on the Wireless Lock Devices page (If it is a gateway-connected device)

  11. Hold card to reader for 5+ seconds to ensure all data is read for initial unlock

  12. Run activity report with entry filter to see if lock/gateway has reported errors

  13. Check for "Doorfile Updated Successfully" message in the activity logs report (If it is a gateway-connected device)

  14. Is the gateway powered via PoE? Try an AC adapter

Needed information for support

  • Gateway connected or offline

  • Is this a No-Tour device

  • Intermittent unlocks or can never unlock

  • Lock and gateway serial numbers

  • Entry ID, user ID, and timestamps

  • Card type/version?


No response from the reader

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Reader not programmed with correct configuration card

    • Use the configuration card programming guide to ensure the reader is set up correctly.

  2. Incorrect credential type

    • Make sure the credential being scanned is an Allegion/Schlage fob purchased directly from Avigilon Alta.


Cannot see the badge ID of the card/fob in the Avigilon Alta system

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Card/Fob not scanned with MT20W

    • Use the enrollment reader (MT20W) to scan the credential and provision it to the organization.

  2. Credential assigned to another user

    • If the credential is assigned to a different user, delete it from their account so it can be used again.

  3. MT20W reader not provisioned to the organization

    • Check that the enrollment reader appears in the "Third-Party" tab in the Reader section of the Control Center.

    • If it doesn’t appear, ensure it’s commissioned through the ENGAGE mobile app. Afterward, press the "Sync" button on the third-party reader page.


Cannot see the third-party tab under readers in the Avigilon Alta system.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Incorrect organization configuration

    • Contact your support representative to ensure your organization has the correct configuration.


Removing the lock from the gateway doesn't update in Alta Access

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Click the "Sync Devices" button on the wireless locks/wireless gateways page in Alta Access

  2. Power cycle gateway

  3. Remove/reattach network cable for gateway


Gateway is offline

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Power cycle the gateway

  2. Remove/reattach network cable for gateway

  3. Test network cable for the gateway on a laptop to ensure internet connectivity

  4. Try another cable

  5. Try another port

  6. Run "Identify" on the Wireless Lock Devices page (If it is a gateway-connected device)

  7. Is the gateway powered via PoE? Try an AC adapter


Not enough licenses for non-Avigilon Alta-sourced locks

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Check if the lock is marked as Avigilon Alta Sourced, or not on the device page

Needed information for support

  • If not Avigilon Alta Sourced and should be, support needs this info:

    • SO/PO number

    • ORG ID

    • Model for locks (NDEB, LEB, etc.)

    • Serial numbers for locks


Gateway synced in Alta Access but the locks don't show up in Alta Access

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Remove/reattach network cable for gateway

  2. Is the gateway powered via PoE? Try an AC adapter


Directions for turning on Allegion for legacy subscription accounts

Troubleshooting steps

From the Partner Dashboard in Alta Access

  1. Go to Manage organizations

  2. Click on the organization you would like to add Allegion to

  3. From the Edit organization page click “Subscriptions” at the top

  4. From your selected plan, scroll down and toggle the tile labeled “Allegion Wireless Locks Purchased from Openpath” then click save at the bottom of the page

5. You should now see Wireless locks and Wireless lock gateways under Devices in the org you added it to


No-Tour Limit Issue

Troubleshooting steps

There is a hard limit. If you need a credential with access to more than 11 wireless lock entries, you need to mark the credential as non-no-tour and then tour the locks with the Admin App. Mobile no-nour has no limit.

Approved Firmware Versions

If you upgraded via the ENGAGE app, their versions are newer than what is approved and tested by Avigilon Alta. Please reach out to Support.

Wireless Gateways


Approved Versions



Wireless Locks


Approved Versions

LEB (all variations)




















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