Device Update Management FAQ

The current Openpath Jira and Confluence instances will be migrated to the MSI On-Premise solution from August 9th-11th, the current platform will be set to read-only and all future usage will be in the Avigilon Instance. Please ensure access to MSI Jira & MSI Confluence, both are accessible through OKTA. For additional information and details please refer to the Atlassian migration page

Device Update Management FAQ

Device Update Management includes the details on software updates for Avigilon Alta ACUs, Video Readers, and Video Intercom Reader devices, which are typically very small and do not introduce noticeable downtime. It includes details on when their default maintenance periods are set to run and when new updates are available.

Note: Minor updates run regularly during device maintenance windows and do not introduce noticeable downtime but major updates (which are manual and end-user controlled) will introduce downtime.

Go to Devices > Device updates


You can update a device manually when an update is available (by clicking Update Available in the Update Status column and following the directions), the window for the Avigilon Alta devices is within two hours for the latest update to be applied. The time it takes for the update to process depends on the type of update. Still, software updates usually take only seconds and do not cause any interruption of reader functionality unless otherwise noted.

It also supports batch actions to initiate available updates before a device's maintenance window.

Use the toggle box next to the devices you want to update, click Batch Actions, and choose Update device(s).

Note: There may be some important updates that will not allow you to use batch actions.

Org Maintenance Window

We also have included the ability to schedule when the updates happen, if there are updates available, to better fit your needs. You can set this up using the ORG MAINTENANCE WINDOW section (shown below). Just toggle the Enable Org Maintenance Window.

Once you enable you are required to give values to the following:

  • Day of the week - Sets the day of the week when updates will occur for all devices.

  • Update window start - Specify the hour of the day for the maintenance window starting point.

  • Update timeframe - Controls the time available in the maintenance window. Devices will begin to update at a random time within the maintenance window. Setting a short time will mean all devices will begin their update close together. A longer duration is ideal for sites with many devices OR low bandwidth.

  • Time zone - Choose the Time zone.

Below is a description of the columns within Device Update Management and what information is provided for each.

Column Title


Column Title


Device ID

The ACU or Video device ID.

Device Name

The configured name of that device.

Device Type

The type of device. Currently showing Controller or Video Controller.

Update Status

Information on the availability of an update for each device. The possible values shown are;

  • Unavailable - the device could be offline or something could be causing a connection issue between the device and the cloud. Navigate to the Hardware Dashboard for more information on the device status.

  • Up to date - this device has the latest version of its software.

  • Update available - this device has a new software version available.

Maintenance Window

This is the weekly time when this device will implement any software updates available to it.

The maintenance window is a two-hour period where device updates will initialize, beginning from the hour shown.

When setting up the Org Maintenance Window, it can take up to an hour for it to start showing in this column.

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